Download a PDF of these Guidelines here.

The Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics welcomes original and scholarly manuscripts for peer-review and consideration for publication. Topics must pertain to the field of pediatrics which includes pregnancy and adolescence. Manuscripts should not have been published before or submitted to another publication.

The following will be considered:

Case Reports and Case Series — presentations of individual or groups of cases deemed to be of interest to the professional and scholarly community.

Pilot Studies or Hypothesis — papers which, while very broad, present with a clear hypotheses and suggest a foundation for future, in‑depth studies.

Literature Reviews — studies of existing papers and books presented with the intention of supporting and encouraging new and continuing study.

Technical Descriptions — reports of new analytical/diagnostic tools for assessment and delivery of care. Controlled, Large Scale Studies — usually, but not necessarily, performed at a college or research facility. May be double-blinded.

Commentaries — presentations of opinion on trends within the profession or current events, pertaining to pediatric and adolescent chiropractic care.

Guidelines for submission

All manuscripts are accepted purely for consideration. They must be original works and should not be under consideration by any other journal or publisher at the time of submission. They must be accompanied by a TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT form, signed by all authors and by the employer if the paper is the result of a “work for hire.” It is understood that while the manuscript is under consideration it will not be sent to any other publication. In the case of multiple authors, a transmittal letter should designate one author as correspondent.

Manuscripts may be sent to editor at Manuscript should be in document tyle MS Word (or compatible) and unformatted. PDFs will not be accepted.

The paper must include an abstract or summary. This abstract/summary should state the purpose of the paper (objective), procedures, methods, main findings (results) and principal conclusions. Also, any key words or phrases that will assist indexers should be provided.

References must be cited for all materials derived from the works of other people and previously published works. Reference numbers in superscript must be assigned in the order of citation in the paper.

Tables — Each table or figure should be on a separate page and not imbedded in the manuscript. If the table is from another publication, permission to publish must be granted and the publication acknowledged.

Photographs — Photographs may be in color or in grayscale and scanned at 300 dpi with sharp contrast. Patient photographs must have consent form signed by the individual or parent or guardian in the case of a minor.

Informed Consent — If the research/study involves experimental investigations performed on humans the manuscript must include a statement that informed consent was obtained from the individuals involved in the investigation.

Patient Anonymity — Patient names or any information that could identify a specific patient should be avoided. All case reports, with or without identifying photographs accompanying a manuscript must have a consent form signed by the individual or parent or guardian in the case of a minor. These are to include any requests for blocking faces, etc.

Acknowledgements — Any illustrations from other publications must be acknowledged. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission from the publisher and/or author for their use.

All manuscripts deemed appropriate for publication by the editor will be sent blind to at least two reviewers. If the manuscript is accepted, the author will be notified. If substantive changes are required, the paper will be returned to the author and the author must re-submit a clean copy of the revised manuscript. Author will be given a tentative date for publication if accepted. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will be returned to the author without comment.



See Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals for detailed information

General formatting guidelines
• All submission components must be submitted electronically.
• Only manuscripts in English are accepted.
• Submit manuscripts as Microsoft Word documents.
• Use 1” margins on all sides
• Use Arial 12 point black font
• Capitalize only the first letter in the title, and any proper nouns.
• Do not justify text.
• Do not use column function
• Number all pages at bottom right.
• Double-space manuscript. Single-space references, tables or figure legends.
• Do not abbreviate words or terms the first time they are introduced; at that time, provide the abbreviation in parentheses and use it from that point forward.
• Number citations consecutively using superscripted Arabic numerals and place all references in a Reference section immediately at the end of your section.
• Run spell check and grammar check after completing the manuscript. Use American English spelling and units of measurement.

Submission Components
JCCP authorship form – submit separately from manuscript. All authorship forms may be combined in a single PDF. Each author must complete this form, scan and return it electronically to the editor before the manuscript can be processed.
JCCP Patient (or Parent/Guardian) Permission to Publish Form – one form for each case (1 for case report; multiple individual forms for case series) – all forms may be combined as a single PDF.
Permission to acknowledge forms: All individuals named in the Acknowledgements section of the manuscript must sign a permission form. The corresponding author may use his or her own form, or use the one JCCP provides—submit separately from manuscript. All permission forms may be combined as a single PDF.
Cover letter – submit as separate document, either Word or PDF.

The following items MUST be submitted as a Word document.

Cover letter – Explain why your manuscript is appropriate for JCCP.

Document – Each of the following should be on a separate page. Use page break function to separate page, not repeated line breaks to get to a new page.
• Title page
• Abstract
• Manuscript
• Acknowledgements
• References
• Tables
• Figures

Title page
• Running head (limited to 40 characters)
• Word count (excluding references, tables and figures)
• Number of tables
• Number of figures
• Authors
   o Name, with all degrees (do not include Bachelor’s level degrees)
   o Current title/position and affiliation, including city, state and country
• Corresponding author
   o Name
   o Mailing address, phone, fax
   o E-mail address; provide alternative e-mail address if possible

Abstract – not to exceed 250 words. It may be structured or unstructured. Structured abstracts usually include the following sections: Purpose, Methods (include study design in this section), Results, Conclusion. For case reports and case series, see document, “Instructions for Case Reports and Case Series.”

Manuscript Components
Manuscript length will vary with the type of article; in general, manuscripts are expected to be 1,500-3,000 words in length, excluding references, tables and figures. These may vary with the type of article. For case reports and case series, see, “Instructions for Case Reports and Case Series.” In general, for manuscripts reporting research studies, the order of components is:
• Introduction: succinctly describe the relevant literature supporting the need for the study.
• Methods: describe the methods used to accomplish the study, in detail sufficient to allow the informed reader to evaluate their appropriateness.
• Results: present the results of the study, without interpretation.
• Discussion: describe limitations of the study; interpret results; compare results to those of other relevant studies; discuss value and implications of the study.
• Inclusion of appendices is discouraged.

• Number tables consecutively in text, using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 etc.)
• Place each table on a separate page at the end of the section, immediately following the References section.
• Use “table” function in Word to construct tables; do NOT use tab or space keys to form columns and rows. Use table “normal” style to construct table. Do not insert vertical lines between columns; do not use grids. Place horizontal line under table title and at end of table, separating the table from any footnotes. You may place horizontal lines under headings in the table for clarity.
• Use footnotes to explain details at bottom of the table (below a horizontal line). Identify using either superscripted lower-case letters or standard footnote symbols (sequence: *,†, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††). Sequence the footnotes in the order text is read—from left to right and then down.
• Use left-justification to align numbers in columns.

• Place figure title and legend on page with the figure.
• Figures must be submitted electronically. Acceptable file formats: DOC, JPG, PDF. Figures may be embedded at the end of the manuscript text file or loaded as separate files for submission purposes. Should not be imbedded within the manuscript text
• Hand-drawn illustrations are not acceptable.
• Provide documentation of permission for any figures that are not original.

Include a statement disclosing any funding support for the project or project personnel, or any other potential conflicts of interest. Acknowledge only individuals or organizations who provided input or resources to the project that were above and beyond their usual responsibilities. All individuals acknowledged must provide written permission to use their name; these permissions must accompany the manuscript at the time of submission (scan documents and submit electronically).

Reference format–examples

Journal article: Jefferies LJ, Milanese SF, Grimmer-Somers KA. Epidemiology of adolescent spinal pain: A systematic overview. Spine 2007;32:2630-2637.
• Book: Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Guide to Community Preventive Services. New York: Oxford University Press; 2005.
• Website/webpages: Author. Title. Name of website. URL. Date of publication. Updated date (if applicable). Date accessed. Example: Fox F. Promoting and sustaining collaborative networks in pediatrics. Pew Research Center. Published June 14, 2013. Accessed September 3, 2017.

Permission to acknowledge forms
All individuals named in the Acknowledgements section of the manuscript must sign a permission form. The corresponding author may use his or her own form, or use the one JCCP provides.



Running Head:
Word count (excluding references, tables and figures):
Number of tables:
Number of figures:

Authors (in correct order)
Name, degrees
Current title/position and institution (if applicable)
City, State, Country

Corresponding Author
Phone Number:







Instructions for Case Reports and Case Series

The abstract should be 250 words or fewer. It may be either structured or unstructured. If structured, use the same sections as described below for the components of the report (Introduction, Case Presentation, Intervention and Outcomes, Discussion).

Case Report Components

Introduction: State why this case is unusual or important.

Methods: describe the search engine and key words used to review previously published literature on the subject

Case presentation: Provide a brief summary of the patient’s presenting demographics, other relevant characteristics, complaint(s) and related symptomatology.

Intervention and outcomes: Describe the course of treatment, including frequency and duration, and summarize the patient’s clinical outcomes, using recognized outcome measures if possible. Include whether informed consent was obtained and if there were any adverse events reported.

Discussion: Succinctly state the important aspects of the case, in terms of its implications for patient care in general, or for specific patient populations or conditions. You may also compare/contrast the case to other cases in the published literature. Be cautious about overstating the importance/implications of your case.


Evidence-based Case Report Instructions

An Evidence-based Case Report (EBCR) is NOT the same as a traditional case report. The EBCR focuses on an answerable clinical question, how it was explored in the search, appraising the results and how it applies to the case, along with the integration of this information with the patient interaction. The final stage in this process is to audit the results.

These are the steps to include:1,2

• Brief summary of the chief complaint: 50-100 words
• Briefly describe the clinical case: 250-400 words
• Explain how you developed the clinical question: 200-300 words
• Explain your search for evidence (key words, databases used, number of articles retrieved): 50-100 words
• Evaluate the articles retrieved: critically appraise the evidence for validitiy and relevance: 200-300 words
• Describe how you made your clinical decision by applying these findings to the case, including how you considered and
integrated the patient’s preferences and values: 250-400 words
• Evaluate your performance: 50-100 words

1. Heneghan C, Badenoch D. Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit, 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. (download pdf of “all chapters” for free copy of the publication)

2. Jones-Harris AR. The evidence-based case report: a resource pack for chiropractors. Clin Chiropr 2003;6 73-84. (download for free from

Additional interesting articles to read about EBM and writing and EBCR:

Review an example of an EBCR at:

Iran J Pediatr. 2010 Sep; 20(3): 261–268. Evidence Based Medicine in Pediatric Practice: Brief Review

J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2014 March; 58(1): 6–7. Evidence-based case reports

3 BMJ. Vol 7, Issue 3, 2002, Evidence-Based Medicine in Practice: EBM Notebook